Good News!

With Bill & Rachelle Fletcher

Relief | Recover | Restore

Thankful for you! November - GOOD News!

We are made to be in relationships with one another, and those relationships form communities that have a positive impact on other communities.  That’s how The Goodness Project spreads – through you!  This is why I’m grateful for you…

Thankful for You!

The Goodness Project is a non-profit that depends heavily on donors, partners, and volunteers.  And it depends on friends.

Have you had moments over the past 18 months when you just wanted a hug?  An encouraging word?  Someone, to pat you on the back?  

With all of the COVID protocols, we lost many of the physical and social experiences of being in a relationship with one another.  

Not being able to be with people for so long reminds us of a very important reality – we are made to be in a community. God created us to be in relationships with one another, and that includes conversation, social togetherness, and physical touch.  Now that I know what life is like without those things, I am even more grateful for you and our relationships this past year!

Whether you have given of your time and physical labor volunteering in one of our warehouses, outreach events, or collaborative projects with your church, I am thankful for you!

If you have donated financially so that The Goodness Project can reach more hurting families and children, I am thankful for you!

If you have prayed for me, Bill, our family, The Goodness Project team, or any of the charities and groups we support, I am thankful for you!

And if you have just stopped by to say hello, sent us an encouraging email, or spread the word about The Goodness Project to your family and friends, I am thankful for you!

That God allows us to partner with Him to increase His Kingdom is a miracle.  The fact that we have the opportunity to do this work in the community with you is an honor.

On behalf of the entire family here at The Goodness Project, thank you!

We want to thank you for partnering with us to provide help and hope to families in crisis!


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Targeting essential resources to those who need them most.

We provide help and hope to families in crisis by sourcing and distributing a wide variety of needed items to those facing difficult life challenges. Whether people in your city are facing natural disasters, poverty, hardship, or social issues like bullying, we equip you with life-sustaining tools, strategic plans, and outreach events that transform lives.

Get Involved

Our work is possible because of our dedicated volunteers.

By volunteering at one of our distribution centers or community events, you can bring relief, recovery, and restoration to families in crisis.

*Opportunities to volunteer with our Disaster Services team will be posted here when available.


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