The Goodness Report

With Bill & Rachelle Fletcher

Relief | Recover | Restore

We’re so grateful for your partnership!

Since the DFW Resource Center opened 11 weeks ago, we’ve been able to help those in need. Along with partners like you and affiliated organizations, we’ve been able to spread Goodness to over 44,000 families! Wow!

Bill and Rachelle Fletcher

Since the DFW Resource Center opened 11 weeks ago, we’ve been able to help those in need. Along with partners like you and affiliated organizations, we’ve been able to spread Goodness to over 44,000 families! Wow! What a joy to see people when they receive boxes filled with produce, meats and milk products. The Goodness Project was able to serve 118 churches and non-profits who, in turn, used product they got at the DFW Resource Centre for a fraction of the actual cost to better serve children and families through their channels.

We couldn’t do this without your support, and we’re excited to tell you about an exciting opportunity to partner with us!

In His Goodness,


Never before has giving to The Goodness Project been more impactful! A faithful church partner from the DFW area is willing to give a gift of up to $15,000.00 as a matching grant to help complete the resource centre at the Dallas/Fort Worth location, allowing for a greater reach.


I want to DOUBLE
My Donation!

This generous partner has thrown out a challenge to all those who support the ministry to contribute like never before. For every dollar given, this donor will match every dollar you give. That means your contribution will have double the impact.  $10 becomes $20, $50 becomes $100 and $1000 becomes $2000! Giving has never been easier and every gift is tax-deductible.


To help you catch the vision for what the upstairs resource center will look like, here are some photos of the empty upstairs and how the current space is being used.

Help us go from this...

All monies raised for this project have been carefully planned for. With new funding, we will be able to:

  • Add a wall
  • Put shiplap up to maximize space and better display product
  • Replace lighting
  • Seal floor
  • Update HVAC
  • Add electrical
  • Displays and clothing racks for clothing
  • Barn-Style doors to aid in ease of moving and restocking product

The deadline for this matching grant is November 11th, so please give your best gift today!

I want to DOUBLE
My Donation!

Write DFW Expansion in the comment section so we know what it’s for!

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Targeting essential resources to those who need them most.

We provide help and hope to families in crisis by sourcing and distributing a wide variety of needed items to those facing difficult life challenges. Whether people in your city are facing natural disasters, poverty, hardship, or social issues like bullying, we equip you with life-sustaining tools, strategic plans, and outreach events that transform lives.

Get Involved

Our work is possible because of our dedicated volunteers.

By volunteering at one of our distribution centers or community events, you can bring relief, recovery, and restoration to families in crisis.

*Opportunities to volunteer with our Disaster Services team will be posted here when available.


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