Toronto, Canada
Refreshing Single Moms

Here’s your dose of some GOOD News!
For the third year in a row, The Goodness Project (TGP) partnered with Braeside Camp in Paris, Ontario Canada to put on an incredible one-day, socially-distanced event for single moms. In previous years, moms and their children have been blessed with a fully-paid weekend retreat but due to Covid-19 Restrictions we were only able to run a 1-Day event with limited numbers… but it was more than worth it!
The Goodness Project Store
Moms were blessed to shop at the TGP “store” for FREE! They were such amazing women who loved their children so much that the Braeside team had to keep redirecting them to shop for themselves and not just their kids. One young “store” helper noted how the moms were happy to get items for themselves but lit up when they found something perfect for their kids!
All received winter coats, clothing and Christmas presents for themselves and their children. Throughout Covid-19, single moms have had to struggle on a greater level with little and often no support.
Spiritual Refreshing
The Spiritual Refreshing they received during the services with Sherry Stahl; TGP Copywriter was just what these moms needed to fill up their well! Sherry spoke about Soul Wounds… How We Get Them, How Christ Came To Heal Them and How We Can Bring Our Soul Into Focus, So Christ Can Heal. Women all received copies of PeggySue Wells’ latest release, The 10 Best Decisions a Single Mom Can Make: A Biblical Guide for Navigating Family Life on Your Own to help them make better decisions as they heal from those soul woundings that often cause us to make wrong choices.
The feedback is incredible and we continue to hear stories of how this day and retreats in the past that The Goodness Project helped in have impacted the families who attended. This is possible because of the generosity of those supporting TGP in volunteer hours and with donations. We’re stronger together!
We want to thank you for partnering with us to provide help and hope to families in crisis!
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Targeting essential resources to those who need them most.
We provide help and hope to families in crisis by sourcing and distributing a wide variety of needed items to those facing difficult life challenges. Whether people in your city are facing natural disasters, poverty, hardship, or social issues like bullying, we equip you with life-sustaining tools, strategic plans, and outreach events that transform lives.