Bill and I can’t thank them enough – the men and women of The Goodness Project who serve the needy with open hands and open hearts. Here’s why we are so thankful for The Goodness Project staff!
Thankful for the TGP team!
Most people don’t work for charitable nonprofits for the same reasons other people work in the for-profit sector. People who work for ministries typically accept less pay, different benefits, long hours, and little recognition for their efforts.
Hannah Ginn- Partner Coordinator (DFW) Zak Halverson- Regional Area Director (Nashville) Andre Souza- Warehouse Manager (DFW) Marissa Collins- Resource Center Manager (DFW) Pam Bell- Regional Area Director (Canada) Angie Catuzza- Regional Area Director (Buffalo) Judy Sosa Paguero and Christine Maussner (Buffalo)
There are no business accounts, company cars, “corporate retreats,” or expensive fancy dinners.
No, people who work for non-profit ministries do so because they are driven to serve other people. Their compassion and heart for people compel them to sacrifice certain comforts and benefits that they might otherwise receive in the for-profit world.
The Goodness Project staff embody the heart and compassion of Christ. Every team member does, in fact, give up certain comforts to work with hurting children and families.
Our team is gifted, passionate, and sacrificial. They didn’t miss a beat when Bill had to take time off this year for medical needs. They stay late, work overtime, and at times go to extraordinary lengths to make sure people in need, our partner charities, and our donors receive the care, supplies, and information they need.
Both Bill and I are particularly grateful for the staff this year, knowing the difficulties that we and many other families have faced.
I’ve included just a few pictures of our team members in our different locations.
Please join me in saying a prayer of thanks for The Goodness Project staff! Pray for their continued health and well-being, and that God would honor their sacrificial work on behalf of His image-bearers in the US and around the world.
TGP team – thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your care and concern for those less fortunate!
We want to thank you for partnering with us to provide help and hope to families in crisis!
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We provide help and hope to families in crisis by sourcing and distributing a wide variety of needed items to those facing difficult life challenges. Whether people in your city are facing natural disasters, poverty, hardship, or social issues like bullying, we equip you with life-sustaining tools, strategic plans, and outreach events that transform lives.